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Integrating Elixir with Rust for Advanced WebSocket Message Decoding

As developers, we often face scenarios where we need to push the boundaries of performance and efficiency. One such case is decoding complex WebSocket messages in real-time financial applications. In this blog post, we'll explore how to leverage Rust's performance within an Elixir application to decode WebSocket messages from Zerodha's Kite Connect API.

Why Integrate Elixir with Rust?

Elixir is known for its concurrency and fault-tolerance, making it an excellent choice for building scalable applications. However, Rust offers unmatched performance and memory safety, making it ideal for CPU-intensive tasks like decoding binary WebSocket messages. By integrating Rust with Elixir, we can achieve the best of both worlds.

The Challenge: Decoding Kite Connect WebSocket Messages

Zerodha's Kite Connect API provides market data via WebSocket in binary format. These messages need to be decoded efficiently to be useful. While Elixir is powerful, decoding binary data is an area where Rust shines.

Setup and Environment

To get started, ensure you have Rust and Elixir installed on your system. We'll use the Rustler library to bridge Elixir and Rust.

Setting Up Rustler: Initialize a new Rustler project:

mix new stock_price_fetcher --module StockPriceFetcher
cd stock_price_fetcher
mix quote_decoder

Configure Your Mix Project: Update mix.exs to include the Rustler crate:

def project do
app: :stock_price_fetcher,
version: "0.1.0",
elixir: "~> 1.12",
start_permanent: Mix.env() == :prod,
deps: deps(),
rustler_crates: [
quote_decoder: [
path: "native/quote_decoder",
mode: (if Mix.env() == :prod, do: :release, else: :debug)

defp deps do
{:rustler, "~> 0.22"}

Rust Setup: In native/quote_decoder/Cargo.toml, add dependencies:

rustler = "0.22.0"
byteorder = "1.4.3"

Rust Code Explanation

Now let's delve into the Rust code that performs the decoding.

1. Initial Setup and Struct Definitions

use rustler::{Encoder, Env, Term, NifResult, Binary};
use byteorder::{BigEndian, ReadBytesExt};
use std::io::Cursor;

rustler::atoms! {

#[module = "StockPriceFetcher.QuoteDecoder.WebSocketMessage"]
struct WebSocketMessage {
tradable: bool,
mode: String,
instrument_token: i32,
last_price: f64,
last_quantity: Option<f64>,
average_price: Option<f64>,
volume: Option<f64>,
buy_quantity: Option<f64>,
sell_quantity: Option<f64>,
ohlc: Option<OHLC>,
change: Option<f64>,
last_trade_time: Option<f64>,
oi: Option<f64>,
oi_day_high: Option<f64>,
oi_day_low: Option<f64>,
timestamp: Option<f64>,
sell_depths: Option<Vec<Depth>>,
buy_depths: Option<Vec<Depth>>,

#[module = "StockPriceFetcher.QuoteDecoder.OHLC"]
struct OHLC {
open: f64,
high: f64,
low: f64,
close: f64,

#[module = "StockPriceFetcher.QuoteDecoder.Depth"]
struct Depth {
quantity: f64,
price: f64,
orders: f64,

  • Imports: We import necessary crates for working with Rustler and byteorder for reading binary data.
  • Atoms: Define ok and error atoms used in NIF functions.
  • Structs: Define WebSocketMessage, OHLC, and Depth structs, which represent the decoded WebSocket messages.
2. NIF Function Definition

fn decode_websocket_message<'a>(env: Env<'a>, binary: Binary<'a>) -> NifResult<Term<'a>> {
let mut cursor = Cursor::new(binary.as_slice());

// Check if there is enough data to read the number of packets
if cursor.get_ref().len() < 2 {
return Err(rustler::Error::RaiseAtom("failed_to_read_number_of_packets"));
let number_of_packets = cursor.read_i16::<BigEndian>().map_err(|_| rustler::Error::RaiseAtom("failed_to_read_number_of_packets"))?;
println!("Number of packets: {}", number_of_packets);
let mut tick_data: Vec<WebSocketMessage> = Vec::new();

for _ in 0..number_of_packets {
// Check if there is enough data to read the packet length
if cursor.get_ref().len() < (cursor.position() as usize + 2) {
return Err(rustler::Error::RaiseAtom("failed_to_read_packet_length"));

let packet_length = cursor.read_i16::<BigEndian>().map_err(|_| rustler::Error::RaiseAtom("failed_to_read_packet_length"))?;
println!("Packet length: {}", packet_length);

let instrument_token = cursor.read_i32::<BigEndian>().map_err(|_| rustler::Error::RaiseAtom("failed_to_read_instrument_token"))?;
let segment = instrument_token & 0xFF;
let divisor = if segment == 3 { 10000000.0 } else { 100.0 };
let tradable = segment != 9;

let message = match packet_length {
8 => {
println!("Decoding LTP packet");
decode_ltp(&mut cursor, tradable, instrument_token, divisor)?
28 | 32 => {
println!("Decoding Quote Full packet");
decode_quote_full(&mut cursor, packet_length, tradable, instrument_token, divisor)?
44 | 184 => {
println!("Decoding Full packet");
decode_full(&mut cursor, packet_length, tradable, instrument_token, divisor)?
_ => return Err(rustler::Error::RaiseAtom("undefined_packet_length")),


Ok((ok(), tick_data).encode(env))

  • Cursor Initialization: Initialize a cursor to read binary data.
  • Number of Packets: Read the number of packets from the cursor.
  • Loop Through Packets: Loop through each packet, read the packet length, and decode the packet based on its length.
  • Return Data: Return the decoded messages as an encoded term to Elixir.

3. Decoding Functions

Let's dive into the specific decoding functions, optimized and refactored using helper functions.

fn read_i32(cursor: &mut Cursor<&[u8]>, error_msg: &'static str) -> Result<f64, rustler::Error> {
cursor.read_i32::<BigEndian>().map_err(|_| rustler::Error::RaiseAtom(error_msg)).map(|val| val as f64)

fn read_i16(cursor: &mut Cursor<&[u8]>, error_msg: &'static str) -> Result<f64, rustler::Error> {
cursor.read_i16::<BigEndian>().map_err(|_| rustler::Error::RaiseAtom(error_msg)).map(|val| val as f64)

  • Helper Functions: read_i32 and read_i16 functions simplify repeated reading operations and error handling, converting read values to f64.

Decoding LTP Packet

fn decode_ltp(cursor: &mut Cursor<&[u8]>, tradable: bool, instrument_token: i32, divisor: f64) -> Result<WebSocketMessage, rustler::Error> {
println!("In decode_ltp");
let last_price = read_i32(cursor, "failed_to_read_last_price")? / divisor;
Ok(WebSocketMessage {
mode: "ltp".to_string(),
last_quantity: None,
average_price: None,
volume: None,
buy_quantity: None,
sell_quantity: None,
ohlc: None,
change: None,
last_trade_time: None,
oi: None,
oi_day_high: None,
oi_day_low: None,
timestamp: None,
sell_depths: None,
buy_depths: None,

  • Read Last Price: Use the read_i32 helper function to read the last traded price.
  • Create WebSocketMessage: Create a WebSocketMessage struct with the decoded LTP data.

Decoding Quote/Full Packet

fn decode_quote_full(cursor: &mut Cursor<&[u8]>, packet_length: i16, tradable: bool, instrument_token: i32, divisor: f64) -> Result<WebSocketMessage, rustler::Error> {
println!("In decode_quote");
let last_price = read_i32(cursor, "failed_to_read_last_price")? / divisor;
let ohlc = OHLC {
high: read_i32(cursor, "failed_to_read_high_price")? / divisor,
low: read_i32(cursor, "failed_to_read_low_price")? / divisor,
open: read_i32(cursor, "failed_to_read_open_price")? / divisor,
close: read_i32(cursor, "failed_to_read_close_price")? / divisor,
let change = if ohlc.close != 0.0 {
Some((last_price - ohlc.close) * 100.0 / ohlc.close)
} else {
let mut message = WebSocketMessage {
mode: if packet_length == 28 { "quote".to_string() } else { "full".to_string() },
last_quantity: None,
average_price: None,
volume: None,
buy_quantity: None,
sell_quantity: None,
ohlc: Some(ohlc),
last_trade_time: None,
oi: None,
oi_day_high: None,
oi_day_low: None,
timestamp: None,
sell_depths: None,
buy_depths: None,

if packet_length == 32 {
message.timestamp = Some(read_i32(cursor, "failed_to_read_timestamp")? / divisor);


  • Read Prices: Use the read_i32 helper function to read various prices (last, high, low, open, close).
  • Calculate Change: Calculate the percentage change in price.
  • Create WebSocketMessage: Create a WebSocketMessage struct with the decoded data.

Decoding Full Packet with Market Depth

fn decode_full(cursor: &mut Cursor<&[u8]>, packet_length: i16, tradable: bool, instrument_token: i32, divisor: f64) -> Result<WebSocketMessage, rustler::Error> {
println!("In decode full");
let last_price = read_i32(cursor, "failed_to_read_last_price")? / divisor;
let last_quantity = read_i32(cursor, "failed_to_read_last_quantity")?;
let average_price = read_i32(cursor, "failed_to_read_average_price")? / divisor;
let volume = read_i32(cursor, "failed_to_read_volume")?;
let buy_quantity = read_i32(cursor, "failed_to_read_buy_quantity")?;
let sell_quantity = read_i32(cursor, "failed_to_read_sell_quantity")?;
let ohlc = OHLC {
open: read_i32(cursor, "failed_to_read_open_price")? / divisor,
high: read_i32(cursor, "failed_to_read_high_price")? / divisor,
low: read_i32(cursor, "failed_to_read_low_price")? / divisor,
close: read_i32(cursor, "failed_to_read_close_price")? / divisor,
let change = if ohlc.close != 0.0 {
Some((last_price - ohlc.close) * 100.0 / ohlc.close)
} else {

let mut message = WebSocketMessage {
mode: if packet_length == 44 { "quote".to_string() } else { "full".to_string() },
last_quantity: Some(last_quantity),
average_price: Some(average_price),
volume: Some(volume),
buy_quantity: Some(buy_quantity),
sell_quantity: Some(sell_quantity),
ohlc: Some(ohlc),
last_trade_time: None,
oi: None,
oi_day_high: None,
oi_day_low: None,
timestamp: None,
sell_depths: None,
buy_depths: None,

if packet_length == 184 {
message.last_trade_time = Some(read_i32(cursor, "failed_to_read_last_trade_time")?);
message.oi = Some(read_i32(cursor, "failed_to_read_oi")?);
message.oi_day_high = Some(read_i32(cursor, "failed_to_read_oi_day_high")?);
message.oi_day_low = Some(read_i32(cursor, "failed_to_read_oi_day_low")?);
message.timestamp = Some(read_i32(cursor, "failed_to_read_timestamp")?);

let mut buy_depth_data: Vec<Depth> = Vec::with_capacity(5);
let mut sell_depth_data: Vec<Depth> = Vec::with_capacity(5);
for index in 0..10 {
let depth_data = Depth {
quantity: read_i32(cursor, "failed_to_read_depth_quantity")?,
price: read_i32(cursor, "failed_to_read_depth_price")? / divisor,
orders: read_i16(cursor, "failed_to_read_depth_orders")?,

if index < 5 {
} else {

// Skip 2 bytes padding
cursor.read_i16::<BigEndian>().map_err(|_| rustler::Error::RaiseAtom("failed_to_skip_padding"))?;
message.sell_depths = Some(sell_depth_data);
message.buy_depths = Some(buy_depth_data);


rustler::init!("Elixir.StockPriceFetcher.QuoteDecoder", [decode_websocket_message]);

  • Read Additional Fields: In addition to the fields read in the quote/full packet, we also read the last trade time, open interest (OI), and market depth data.
  • Market Depth Data: For full packets with market depth, we read 10 depth entries (5 buy and 5 sell) and store them in the buy_depths and sell_depths fields.
  • Return Decoded Message: Return the fully decoded WebSocketMessage struct.

Understanding the Rust Code

Let's break down the key parts of our Rust code:

  1. Rustler Integration:

    • We define Rustler structs to match the Elixir structs for WebSocketMessage, OHLC, and Depth.
    • The decode_websocket_message function is our NIF that Elixir will call to decode binary WebSocket messages.
  2. Reading Binary Data:

    • We use the byteorder crate to read the binary data in big-endian format.
    • We start by reading the number of packets and then iterate over each packet, reading its length and data.
  3. Decoding Packets:

    • Depending on the packet length, we call different functions (decode_ltp, decode_quote_full, decode_full) to decode the packet.
    • Each function reads the relevant fields from the binary data and constructs a WebSocketMessage struct.
  4. Error Handling:

    • We handle errors by returning Rustler atoms, which are then propagated back to Elixir.

Benefits of Using Rust for Decoding

  • Performance: Rust's low-level control over memory and performance optimizations make it ideal for computationally intensive tasks like binary decoding.
  • Safety: Rust's ownership model ensures memory safety, preventing common bugs like buffer overflows.
  • Integration: Rustler makes it easy to integrate Rust with Elixir, allowing us to leverage Rust's strengths while benefiting from Elixir's concurrency and fault tolerance.

Compiling the Rust NIF:

cd native/kiteconnect_websocket_message
cargo build --release

Integrating Rust NIF in Elixir

Now, let’s integrate the Rust NIF with our Elixir application.

Elixir Code for WebSocket Connection

In your Elixir project, create a module for handling the WebSocket connection and decoding messages using the Rust NIF:

defmodule StockPriceFetcher.TickerWebSocket do
use WebSockex
require Logger

@api_key "your_api_key"
@access_token "your_access_token"
@url "wss://{@api_key}&access_token=#{@access_token}"

@subscribe_msg Jason.encode!(%{"a" => "subscribe", "mode" => "full", "v" => [408065, 884737, 415745, 416513]})

def start_link() do
{:ok, pid} = WebSockex.start_link(@url, __MODULE__, :fake_state, name: __MODULE__)
WebSockex.send_frame(pid, {:text, @subscribe_msg})
{:ok, pid}

def handle_connect(_conn, state) do"Connected to WebSocket.")
{:ok, state}

def handle_frame({:text, msg}, state) do"Received Text Message - #{msg}")
case Jason.decode(msg) do
{:ok, %{"type" => "error", "data" => error_message}} ->
Logger.error("Error from server: #{error_message}")
_other ->
Logger.debug("Received Message: #{msg}")
{:ok, state}

def handle_frame({:binary, binary}, state) do
Logger.debug("Received Binary Message - #{inspect(binary, binaries: :as_binaries)}")
case StockPriceFetcher.QuoteDecoder.decode(binary) do
{:ok, decoded} ->"Decoded Message: #{inspect(decoded)}")
_ ->
Logger.error("Decoding Error: error")
{:ok, state}
e -> Logger.error("Error processing frame: #{inspect(e)}")
{:error, e}

defmodule StockPriceFetcher.QuoteDecoder do
use Rustler, otp_app: :play, crate: "quote_decoder"

@spec decode(binary()) :: {:ok, map()} | {:error, String.t()}
def decode(binary), do: decode_websocket_message(binary)

# When NIF is not loaded, this will be called
defp decode_websocket_message(_binary), do: :erlang.nif_error(:nif_not_loaded)

This Elixir module handles the WebSocket connection, subscribes to market data, and processes incoming messages using the Rust NIF for decoding.


By combining Elixir and Rust, we've created a robust and efficient system for decoding complex WebSocket messages. This approach leverages the best of both worlds: Rust's performance and safety, and Elixir's concurrency and ease of use. Whether you're dealing with financial data, real-time analytics, or any other data-intensive application, this combination can provide the performance and reliability you need.


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